1:1 Leadership Coaching

Madeleine Geach woman in red jacket standing under tree

I run1:1 coaching for leaders of the world I’ve built my career in - bars and restaurants.

I use a ‘whole person’ approach which considers you as much more than your work identity. I work with you as a full human being who wants to achieve in your career and lead a meaningful life.

Whole person development goes much deeper than simply addressing one or two specific skills.

By tapping into what really makes you tick, teaching you how to prioritise the important over the urgent, and how to take charge of your resilience it helps you transform how you work but also how you live and lead.

From this foundation you can build leaders who are fulfilled by their work, bolder, more adaptable and more able to have a lasting impact on their teams and your business.

What I Offer

Coaching for senior leaders. Packages of fortnightly or monthly coaching. Each session ends with an action plan to implement. Ongoing phone/email support is available between sessions. Programmes can include 3-way meetings with a line manager to establish goals, review progress and evaluate results.

Some of the areas I have helped people in:

Stepping into a more senior role; working strategically; creating + communicating a vision; communication + influencing; emotional intelligence; leadership skills + style; building relationships + having difficult conversations; productivity, prioritising + managing workload; getting results; dealing with stress + work-life balance; confidence + impact.

For more information about coaching and courses download the brochure.



  • Managers

    4 month manager package. Includes 8 sessions of fortnightly coaching, initial goal setting + final review with line manager, plus support between sessions

    — £3295 + VAT

  • Directors

    8 sessions of coaching over 6 months. Includes initial goal setting, a leadership visioning session, a 3-month follow-up call, plus support between sessions

    — £4295 + VAT

  • Power Hour

    A one-off hour with me where we work through a specific problem or goal.

    — £375 + VAT

Interested in my group programmes?

Let’s Talk

Free initial consultation