Coaching for Private Clients

You are worth it

Madeliene Geach - a woman in a blue dress holding a brown dog

Coaching is time and space away from the hamster wheel of your job and life for you to think about where you are now and explore where you truly want to be. Understanding how to get there can be hard when you’re not sure of yourself. But the good news is, you don’t have to figure it all out alone. I can help you find the confidence to move…


feeling reactive and stressed; things happening to you and not feeling within your control; not valuing yourself as much as you should; working too hard; keeping quiet and your messages not getting through; saying yes too often including to things you don’t want to do; confusion and apathy - your head feels foggy and things are a bit ‘meh’


feeling calm and able to manage your emotions; having a sense of control over your time and life; having a strong sense of self-worth and belief in yourself; speaking up and people listening; working fewer hours but having more of an impact; having strong, healthy boundaries; feeling clear about what’s next and excited for the future

What my clients say

Choose your package

  • One-off

    One session, one challenge, one solution to move you forward, with prep ahead to help you get the most from the time

    — £280 + VAT

  • Fundamentals

    4 months of fortnightly coaching with a post session action plan, a fortnightly self-review to track progress, and daily phone/ email support if you want it

    — £2240 + VAT

  • Complete

    6 months of fortnightly coaching with a post session action plan, a fortnightly self-review, daily phone/email support, plus a 3 month post-coaching check- in to keep you on track

    — £3360+ VAT

Let’s Talk

Free initial consultation